Environment Agency Comms Centre: 0800-807060 

(to report e.g. smells from landfill site,water course pollution etc)  


Crimestoppers:               0800 555111

Electricity:                      Western Power (*) call 105 or 0800 6783 105        Fire & Rescue:                 423231

Gas Leaks:                     British Gas - 0800 111 999

Hospital:                          Lakin Rd, Warwick - 495321

Warwickshire Police:      415000

Rivers (flood, pollution):  Environment Agency -    0800 807 060

Water leak/supply/sewers:   Severn Trent - 0800 783 4444


(*) they also have a website - www.westernpower.co.uk - which shows if they are aware of your power cut, and estimated time to restore power